Chronic diabetes can lead to complications, one of which is high blood pressure or hypertension. That is why, coronary heart disease is the biggest contributor to mortality (about 40 percent) among patients with diabetes (diabetes).

According to specialists in internal medicine Darmowidjojo Budiman, high blood sugar levels will disrupt the hormonal system that will increase the levels of certain hormones. As a result, blood pressure soaring participate.

“Approximately 60-80 percent of diabetics suffer from hypertension, in the long run will cause complications that lead to disability,” he said in a press conference Jakarta and Jakarta Diabetes Meeting Endocrine Meeting in Jakarta, Wednesday (08/06/2011).

He explains complications from diabetes is influenced by many factors, ranging from the duration of disease, high blood sugar, age, hypertension, smoking, and protein in the urine.

“The higher the protein content, the greater the risk of heart disease,” he explained.

Therefore, therapies aimed at the overcome diabetes with exercise to keep blood sugar levels remain normal and avoid complications both chronic and acute. “If it’s already complications, difficult treatment,” he added.

Data year 2000, the number of people with diabetes in Indonesia reached 8.4 million people and making Indonesia is ranked fourth in the number of diabetics in the world. In the year 2030, it is estimated the number will rise to 21.3 million people.

Health Research Data Base (Riskesdas) 2010 shows, the distribution of patients with diabetes in Indonesia that exceed 1.5 percent of the population in the province of North Sumatra, East Java and North Sulawesi. According to Budiman, it may be related to lifestyle and diet.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition where a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal or chronic (in a long time).

According to a recent study, people with hypertension included in groups at higher risk of cancer.

This finding, according to lead researcher Dr Mieke Van Hemelrijck will be presented in the 2011 European Congress Multidiciplinary. This research involved 289,454 men and 288,345 women, and the analysis results show that people with hypertension – particularly men – 10-20 per cent higher risk of developing cancer.

Dr Van Hemelrijck and her team of Cancer Epidemiology Group at King’s College London, UK analyzed data related to the blood pressure, cancer incidence, and mortality risk in a prospective study that included seven groups of participants in Norway, Austria and Sweden.

Having observed for approximately 12 years, it is known that as many as 22,184 men and 14,744 women have been diagnosed with cancer. Even the 8724 men and 4525 women died from the disease. Overall, the risk of cancer increased by 29 percent in men.

The researchers also found, some of the complications of other diseases such as hypertension, oral cancer, colorectal, lung, bladder, kidney, melanoma and skin cancer increase in men.

Increased cancer risk was also seen in women with hypertension, although not very significant. Increasing cases in women with hypertension seen in cases of liver cancer, pancreatic, cervical, endometrial, and melanoma.

The researchers adjusted their results to take into account age, gender, body mass index, smoking, and errors due to inaccuracy in the measurement of blood pressure.

Van Hemelrijck said, as observational studies, this study can not show that hypertension is a major cause of the increased risk of cancer.

“We can not claim that there is a causal relationship between high blood pressure and cancer risk, nor can we say that the cause of cancer is a factor associated with high blood pressure,” he said.

“But with a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity and weight is quite normal, has been shown to alleviate some chronic diseases. Example, high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease. Research we now also indicate that hypertension may also be a factor risk for cancer, “he said.

High blood pressure or hypertension is commonly referred not only to the parents, but also in children. A recent study showed that obese children triples risk of developing hypertension than children of normal weight

In its findings, the researchers from the Regenstrief Institute and Indiana University School of Medicine looked at more than 1,100 school children in Indiana for nearly five years. Researchers found that when the body mass index (BMI) reached or more than 85 percentile – as a marker of excess weight – risk of hypertension nearly tripled.

Among study participants, 14 percent of children are overweight or obese are included in the pre-hypertension or hypertension, compared with 5 percent of children with normal weight. These findings are consistent either from age, gender and race.

The average child involved in the study was 10.2 years. Every child is valued at around eight times during the study. All are healthy children and no one taking blood pressure medication.

“High blood pressure that occurs in childhood would be risky to continue in adulthood. Required intervention for children with obesity. Though only weight loss but a slightly beneficial for health,” said Wanzhu Tu, Ph.D, professor of Biostatistics, IU School of Medicine, as well as head of research.

Researchers found that leptin, a protein hormone involved in the regulation of body weight and metabolism, is linked to increased blood pressure and obesity.

“Now we see a significantly greater risk of hypertension in children with overweight and obesity. However we do not know what makes the blood pressure go up when there is an increase in BMI percentil and mechanisms involved in the process.

Reducing salt Prevent Cancer

Posted: November 6, 2012 in Uncategorized

A diet high in salt is not only trigger hypertension, heart disease and stroke, but it also causes cancer. Reducing intake of foods containing high salt is known to reduce the risk of gastric cancer.

Sodium is actually required by the body to function, but in small amounts. Sodium is known to be important for maintaining fluid balance, muscle strength and nerve function.

According to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), each year found 6,000 cases of gastric cancer in the UK. An estimated 14 percent of these cases could be prevented if they want to reduce your intake of salt or sodium.

Recommended salt intake is six grams per day, or about one teaspoon. But most people consume at least 8.6 grams of salt per day.

“Gastric cancer is difficult to treat with thoroughly because most cases can only be found when stage further. Therefore prevention is key,” said Kate Mendoza, head of information WCRF.

He explained that the salt needs to be aware of additional salt is not included in the diet, but salt that is already in the food. For example, bacon, sausages, canned food, ready to eat cereals, flavorings, to spaghetti sauce.

Avoid It to Prevent Cancer

Posted: November 6, 2012 in Uncategorized

Genetic factors do have a role in the occurrence of cancer, but it certainly does not mean that cancer is inherited, and we can only resigned to fate. Healthy lifestyle has been shown to prevent cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, a healthy lifestyle can prevent almost half of cancer deaths. And here are 8 healthy lifestyle are recommended to prevent cancer.

1. Do not smoke

Avoid smoking or using other tobacco products. Smoking is the cause of various types of cancers, from lung cancer, esophagus, mouth, throat, stomach, and pancreas. Smoking is also the leading cause of preventable death.

2. Regular screening

Make cancer screening as part of routine health checks. Cancer screening can detect breast cancer, cervical, and skin cancers in early stages. Cancer screening can be done through a blood check, physical examination, genetic testing, until an X-ray.

3. Reduce alcohol

Oral cancer six times more often affects the alcoholics compared to people who do not drink alcohol.

4. Protect from the sun

Ultraviolet light can damage the DNA of skin and can cause genetic mutations that lead to cancer. Use sunscreen if you want to move a long time in the sun.

5. Sport

Research shows people who actively and regularly exercise have a lower risk of colon cancer and breast cancer. You do not need to exercise as athletes to prevent cancer, moderate activity such as jogging, biking, or gymnastics, is enough.

6. Keep your weight

Excess weight is closely related to some types of cancer such as colon cancer, thyroid, payudadara, and endometrial.

7. HRT alert

Several studies have shown hormone replacement therapy in the menopause increases the risk of some cancers. If you already receive such therapy, limit less than five years.

8. Avoid radiation

Avoid exposure to radiation and some chemicals. In people who do have risk factors for cancer, radiation exposure is known to cause gene mutations that can trigger cancer cells to become active.

Work or go to college in the office buildings, indoors and air-conditioned or remain silent in the dorm room while playing online games 24 hours with the windows and doors closed and air-conditioned, making almost never exposed to sunlight. If such a circumstance or fate that should you receive every day, then you should be wary. Not seen sunlight will not only make you look like an albino, but your health will also be threatened.

The morning sun turns out to have a good agent and a bad for our skin. Surely good sunlight and our bodies need is sunlight between the hours of seven in the morning until nine in the morning after that the sun can damage our bodies. Sunlight turns a substance that can have beneficial and detrimental to our bodies. certainly good sunlight between the hours of good sun 7Sinar ie between 7 am to 9 am. If we menyadararinya under our skin, there are cholesterol-containing fatty deposits that can be lost with the morning sunlight (ultraviolet light) that contain vitamin D.

Vitamin D functions to reduce cholesterol in the blood, which is explained with the use of vitamin D that will suppress cholesterol found in the blood to the skin, so that the cholesterol in the blood is reduced. Reducing blood sugar levels, the explanation that the sun is the insulin which facilitates glucose uptake into the cell body. Morning sunlight to kill the bacteria, if the medical treatment that uses artificial ultraviolet light, when you’re basking in direct sun means you’ll get the germ-killing benefits much more natural. This is a better value. Besides that, the sun will improve your fitness and quality of breathing.

So that exercising in the morning with the morning sunlight ditambahnya got a lot of very good and needed by the body. Another factor that helps increase fitness activity is increased uptake in the liver and muscle glycogen. Increased vitamin D, also will spur the function to absorb more calcium that will help shape the bone and give strength on bone density.

Sun for 10 minutes a day will boost the immune system, particularly lymphocytes or white blood cells. That can reduce the risk of flu and colds disrupted. Begin now to take a moment to bask in the morning before starting the activity.

Exposure to the sun is a good sun in the morning before at 08.00. At that hour, the sun rays will give that benefit the body. Radiance to be able to synthesize vitamin D, and beneficial for bone health and calcium formation.

However, sundeck at 09.00, sunlight is dangerous to the skin. This is because all three types of ultraviolet rays A, B, and C contained in sunlight will harm the health of the skin. Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) A and B can damage cell membranes causing red skin and burns, and damage to the skin cells. Consequently, the mechanism of regeneration of the cells will be damaged.

Dangerous is when the skin is exposed to sunlight for a long time and in a high enough intensity. if the skin is too often get sun exposure in large quantities, it will speed up the process of premature skin aging (premature skin aging). In addition to the influence of other factors such as pollution and cigarette smoke.

So, get used to getting up early and get the benefits of sunlight in the morning for your bone health. For that, let us know some of the benefits of sun for your health:

1. Contains vitamin D

At the time of filtered ultraviolet rays on the skin, the light changed its deposits of cholesterol in the skin into vitamin D. Receive exposure to sunlight for 5 minutes tantamount to provide 400 units of vitamin D in your body.

2. Establish and improve bone

Increased vitamin D in the body by exposure to sunlight can increase the absorption of calcium in your body. This condition is a solution in the formation and repair of bone and prevent diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia.

3. Bidder infection and bacteria killer

The sun’s rays are capable of killing bacterial diseases, viruses, and fungi. In the treatment of tuberculosis, erysipelas, blood poisoning, peritonisis, pneumonia, mumps, and asthma, sunlight therapy is needed. Even some of the virus spreading to the cancer is destroyed by ultraviolet light. Fungal infections, including candida, as well as bacteria in the air react and can be destroyed by sunlight.

4. Increasing respiratory fitness

Increasing the capacity of blood to carry oxygen and distribute it to the tissues is one of the uses sunlight. In addition, sunlight can increase respiratory fitness because it will increase the amount of glycogen after basking in the sun.

5. Immunity

When skin is exposed to sunlight, the addition of white blood cells, particularly lymphocytes, which are used to attack the disease. Indirectly antibody will also be increased. This condition will last up to 3 weeks. According to the study, 10 minutes in the sun once or twice a week can reduce the risk of flu by 30-40%.

6. Dampen blood cholesterol

This is a continuation of the above process. Once under the skin cholesterol converted into vitamin D, the brain and the body then the signal to cholesterol in the blood to come out of the blood to the skin. Of this process that blood cholesterol levels can be controlled.

7. Reduce blood sugar

Sunlight is a natural insulin that provides easy absorption of glucose into the body’s cells. This is what stimulates the body to convert blood sugar into glycogen, which is then stored in the liver and muscles. The process is a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Once the importance of the sun for you, let us not waste the goodness of God who has given us the source of life for us. For that try to date you have to get used to the sun every day, because it is for your health. Hope can be useful for you.

Germs of course we can not avoid. Especially, inherent in the clothing and skin contact. In order for these germs do not trigger the disease, always keep the clothes is the key.

Many are less aware of the importance of maintenance on the fabric and towel. For example, the towels were not washed or left moist not dried, when used again, it may cause skin disease.

Towels, blankets and clothes should always be clean. Especially, the subject of children because their skin tends to be sensitive. Do not let them fall ill because of exposure to germs simply attached to the clothing.

“It’s important to take care and make sure the clothes, towels and other materials are clean and smell good for the health of family members,” said Endi Febrina Herlambang, PR Manager of P & G Home Products Indonesia when met at the workshop with the theme “Healthy Home, Happy Family ‘held by Downy.

Cleanliness is so the main thing to keep your family’s health. As also revealed by Sisca Knoch of The Urban Mama, a blog about parenting.

“As a mother of course I try to give the best to Miguel, my son 3 year old. One way to keep the house in order to be a comfortable place to play and move,” said Siska.

According to him, if you have a healthy home, then you will have a happy family. Siska then shared the tip useful habits at home to prevent illnesses caused by germs and bacteria. Such as:

– Change clothes of children, especially when they are very active and sweating. Do not dry clothes on the body sweating.
– Note also the cleanliness and condition of the child’s room and toys always have direct contact with your children.
– Wash bed linens and curtains home regularly. Includes mat and other fixtures in houses made of cloth
– Consider every corner of the house and the ceiling is usually a nest of germs and bacteria due to dust buildup. The angle is sometimes rarely get attention when cleaning because it is not clearly visible to the eye.
– The kitchen is the gathering nest of bacteria, germs, and viruses. Therefore, consider each area in the kitchen as a dishwasher area, trash, refrigerator, floor and kitchen table.
– Clean the dispenser up to the inside and the bottom because it is often a nest of bacteria because they do not receive full attention.

The success of weight loss programs, depending on your ability to change your lifestyle to be more healthy. Including how food choices.

No need to avoid the food was delicious as some healthy foods can also be treated with delicious. That should be avoided are foods with a high caloric content. Instead, choose foods with a minimal amount of calories, such as the following.

herbal ingredients

This herbal ingredient type buffer is consumed fresh or processed, its function remains the same, to help you lose weight. Add a few cloves of garlic in cooking, or parsley in a salad. Another powerful seasoning is paprika and cinnamon that has little kaori.


For your body burning calories, you are also advised to increase the consumption of fruit. List of low calorie fruit is orange, apricot, melon, watermelon, lemon, peach, raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry.


If you are a fan of vegetables, it is better to select return type of vegetables consumed. Choose low-calorie vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, radishes, broccoli, tomatoes, celery, lettuce, cabbage, leeks, and spinach. In addition to low calorie, all vegetables can also double work by improving the digestive system.


For serving drinks morning, you can make a cup of black coffee without milk and sugar. This drink has only 1 calorie even, and still provide other health effects such as antioxidant, pain relief, and improve concentration.


If many are avoiding eggs in the diet, in fact this is not so important. Because boiled egg white has only 16 calories. You are even allowed to consume two or three points.


Boiled peanuts have only 25 calories per 100 grams. You can be creative with this nut materials for a variety of cuisines. Add the herb seasoning on top to minimize calories.

Technology has an important role in the food world. On the packaging of dairy products, for example, technology is key to ensuring the milk can be stored for a long time.

One common way to extend the freshness of food products is warming up. “The technology of the heating process can be used to maintain the age and quality of food products, without the addition of preservatives needed again. Trick with the sterilization process,” said Prof. Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Ph.D – Director SEAFAST (Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology) Center.

Overview of sterilization is that it can last longer, unfortunately the nutritional value contained many damaged. In order to provide maximum benefits, have now developed a high-temperature sterilization process know with Ultra High Temperature (UHT).

“The processing of milk with UHT sterilization system is the most technologically effective in killing harmful microbes and bacteria, without changing the quality and content of nutrients in the milk,” he added.

Products that have been sterilized milk is still to be packed in an antiseptic to maximize quality. According to Elvira Wongsosudiro, Communications Manager Tetra Indonesia, the use of antiseptic packaging is done to maintain the quality of milk being contaminated with bacteria, and damaged when distributed to various places.

Hearing this kind of processing our thoughts immediately drifted might imagine the typical Palembang fry dishes with raw fish or beef.

Serving not only be actually boiled fish or beef.
Relying mutton items that may be abundant in the Eid al-Adha tomorrow, try to be creative serving boiled goat.

Select the ribs goats to produce the best flavor texture. Let immersed in fresh broth that combines refined taste sweet, savory, sour.

Challenged to create a new menu besides making satay, gule, and tongseng? Try the recipe below Pindang Acid goat ribs that have been tested in the kitchen Ketchup Bango.

600 gr rack of lamb, cut into pieces
3 tbsp soy sauce
3 bay leaves
1 thumb galangal, crushed
4 tablespoons oil for sauteing
15 grains of cayenne pepper, left whole
1 teaspoon tamarind, compressed, burnt, to black
2 liters of water

Spices that are:
6 grains of red onion
3 cloves of garlic
2 tsp salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

How to make:
1. Saute the spices that have been mashed, galangal, and bay leaves. Wait until the scent. Then input rack of lamb, sauteed until change color.

2. Add soy sauce, water, acid, and cook until soft and half the remaining water.